Dumfriesshire MP David Mundell has welcomed resounding support for the No Campaign after last week’s Independence debate in Annan Academy. Representatives of both the Yes Campaign and Better Together, including the local MP presented their case to pupils and answered their questions.
Following the debate the pupils then voted and the results were as follows:
Yes – 90 (29.6%)
No – 214 (70.4%)
Spoiled Ballots – 4
Commenting David Mundell MP said: “This result is a real boost to the local Better Together Campaign and shows that we are getting our positive case for the United Kingdom across. Many people have expressed concerns that giving youngsters a vote in the referendum was a mistake but as these debate show people off all ages locally are very engaged in this debate and are increasingly sceptical about the benefits of independence for our communities.
"I would urge parents, grandparents and others in the community to listen to what our young people, when they say that their future opportunities are greater as part of a larger and more competitive economy, when they think about how to cast their own vote. As these young people recognise we don’t need to be part of a separate country to deliver positive changes to our society and that devolution offers the people of Scotland the best of both worlds.”